الثلاثاء، 27 يوليو 2010

madrasst el 7oreya, 7al9a III

aya sidi ben sidi, mana 9olna natla3 el hollanda nchouf 7keyet el 7orreya hethi, yatl3ouchi jeybinha men ghadi, vu eli me 3ndhomch 7ata ecole mte3 7orreya
aya 5oukom mesteness b rass jdir w b 7doud dzeyer, hazit m3aya zedi w zouedi, 9olt me yfoknich men 4 sweye3 fi el 7doud
aya w ena mechi lel gare du nord, kima n9oulou a7na barchalouna mte3hom, t3adit 3le jeme3, putain merde zut la vache, ti kifeh jeme3 ma7loul fi ghir wa9t sle, chneya la7keya hethi ?? ye5i mouch normalement ysaker el jeme3?? !!!!
aya rkebet fi train w yegta3 galbou ech yejbed, 7assiou me fhemet chay
aya swi3tin w noss ba3d w9ef, 9olt c bon, nahbtou l diwena, rana fi 7doud belgika taw
walah me sarha, direct fi amsterdam
ye5i makomch bech tmarmdouni fi diwena ?? thantlouni tfarkssouni?? Ti ena mrawa7 men Libya mara fi louage, kol 100 mitrou ywa9afni bouliss yhantalini w ymarmadni, hetha ki d5alt el touness, w fi diwena mte3 libya mazblouni w fi mte3 touness zedou 3leya, ti chneya el 7ala hethi
aya sidi hbatet, 3andi weld 7ouma ghadi, aya tlabtou jeni
aya ndourou, nchoufou ken fi el 3re wel gre, 3bed tetkayef w tbi3 fi zatla 3ayneni
chneya hetha? Hethi el 7oreya??????????
Jina ncho9ou fi el kayess el kraheb we9fet w t3adina, el kraheb temchi 50 bel7a9, me fama 7ata krhba tal3a 3al medda, el kolha mestweya
Ness mnathma, tched saf, el kraheb te9ef fi thaw, aya walahi la3thim, ritha b 3inaya, bouliss we9ef fi thaw la7mer, aya sad9ou wela me tsad9ouch!!!
Aya hazni weld 7oumti el 9ahwa, banakna w bde ya7kili
Bdeli 7keytou meli kifeh fad fi touness, 6 snin battal, w houma maitrise teri5, weli kifeh mimtou tesreglou dinar kol youm men 3and bouh, 71 sne, bech ye5ou swaguer w 9hiwa yelzem ykaml biha nhar, kifeh chba3 kaff w chlebe9 men 3and el 7akem, kifeh tebraka martin fi bled el amn wel aman, kifeh galbou tharra mel car safra, w kifeh houwa battal bech ycherek fi concours yotlbou 3lih tembri b 10 dinars a9al 7aja w kifeh win yosken, a 6 km mel 3asma, me 3ndhomch zigouettes
Aya 3mal haka, tla3 w hbat w be3 thibet omou w 7ra9
7keli kifeh nafss 7arass el 7oudoud eli 5ayef menhom w yejriw wra el flouka w 7ala 7lila, ki je 7are9, houma bidhom eli 3arthoulou bel machmoum ki rawa7
Nafss el 3omda eli ken 7agrou, wala y3aytlou si flen, yna3mbou l euro
Aya kamel rachfa men 9ahwtou, w 9ali a7kili ech ta3mel houni
7kitlou 7keyti, m3a baba azizi, w dourti fi franssa
9ali chouf ye weld ness, hne 9anounhom s3ib yesser, kol chay mnathem, a9al 7aja 5teya, w 5teya kbira, ra7ma le, le thourouf ta5fif, le carta tunisiana lel bouliss, le 9hiwa lel 3omda, kol chay msater w mathbout, weli y5alef el 9anoun mche yzamer
El 9anoun mte3hom ya3tihom el 7oryet el kol, t7eb tetkayef zatla, t7eb tbi3 rou7ek, t7eb t9amer, t7eb ton9od w tenta9ed, oumourek, ama 8h men ghodwa me tjich te5dem, tetared
Hne 3le 9ad me el 9anoun s3ib, 3le 9ad me famech aktef, 3le 9ad me yfoklek 7a9ek 7ad 7ata ki yebda ra2iss markez wela 3andou 5ouh fi stup, 7ad me yfoklek 7a9ek, kol chay 9odemek, e7tarem el 9anoun, w a3mel ech t7eb
9otlou Ye5i el 9anoun ytab9ou fih bel 7a9???? Mouch juste za3ma za3ma l touriste, wel eli 3andou rbo3 pouvoir ymarmdek w yhantlek w ydagdgek w echki lel 3erwi??
Sket me jewbnich…
Eyh 9otlou, heyel barcha, ey ama ki walew a7rar haka, me 5emjetch, me da5letch b3atha, me gholtouch fi b3athom?
9ali le, 5ater el 9anoun yetaba9 3le ness el kol, w me yekber fi 3inhom 7ad, me famech zouz 9awanin, ki enti tahreb bouliss twali mojrom w ki houwa yathrbek ywali yrabi fik, w me tharbekch, le le lahne 7ata ki tjik 5teya l dar mte3 chonguel yab3thoulek m3aha war9a pour contester, bech t9oul le mouch s7i7
Ghriba, ena fi beli ken el 9anoun s3ib, rahi la3bed ma5nou9a fedda
9ali le ye rajel, hne el 9anoun ya3mlouh la3bed bech yra3i masal7hom, mouch t3mlou jnoun
Heyel yesser, 9oum ndourou 7awess beya to3rethnechi madrssa mte3 7oreya
Haya a7na ndourou, nal9aw la3bed tetkayef fi zatla 3le 7sseb sottach
W ech fiha gwerra haka Amsterdam, beleh t9oul el 7ammamet fi sif, zouz twenssa wel be9i el kol gwerra
9otlou ye5i tatl3chi 7keyet zatla hethi, mou2amra mel 3adew sohyouni bech ymaya3 chbeb w yansew el 5edma wel 9atheya
Chadou tho7k meskin lin 9rib yechra9, w 9ali ye rajel me famech chkoun ye5dem 9adhom, bledhom 7okka w fou9 el me, le petrole le 7did, bnewha mel 3adam b3d me ter7at fi 2 guerres mondiales, w hanhom yeskrou w y3ariw w yetkayfou, ama ye5dmou, w yontjou, w y3abrou, w hanhom men a7ssen chou3oub el 3aycha fi denya, kol mouwaten hne mouhem w 3andou 9ima, ghir chwaya racistes w barah
Ti chnouwa 9otlou, mouch ki kont fi touness, enti m3a el omma wel we7da el 3arabya, w a7na w houma, w 3abd nassr w hak ri9, ki jit houni walit tloum 3lihom, rabi yehdik
Hazni el 7ouma el kolha des turcs, , jweme3 ma7loula, nsse bel 5imar, 3adi
Mala bled w mala heya
El 7oreya lel jami3, wel 9anoun faw9a el jami3, w a7rar lil 5raw fih, w me famech 7arb ahlya, w le pire me fama 7ata madrssa mte3 7oreya
9otlou belehi sa9ssili famechi madrssa college 7ata meddeb mte3 7oreya 5ali nemchi na9ra
Me 7abch yenbezni weld 7oumti mche 7keli m3ahom w rja3, 9ali 9aloulek, a9ra tari5..
Hethi 7keya fiha enna, el 7oreya mouch mte3hom, zeyed, bagla liha, natla3 l scandinave sme3t bihom 3andhom enjazet fi el 7oreya 9ad el 9nater eli 3andna.
Aya salamt 3le weld 7oumti, w yallah ye denmark

To be continued…

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