الثلاثاء، 27 يوليو 2010

madrasst el 7oreya, 7al9a I

Aya 9olna salem

aya sidi ben sidi, el bere7 met3adi mel avenue, rekbetli, 9olt ti chneya la7keya mte3 wethni hethi, ma3adech fiha, fadit (hakeka wa7di wa7di, kont nemchi fi kol amn w amen) 5ali nemchi el ahl thekr w n9olhom saybouni, a3tiwni chwaya hwe, a3tiwni netkalem, netnafess, a3tiwni je critique, je manifeste, nghafess, me to5ne9nich, me tsansarnich, me tghafasnich. (rit ki yebda me famech chrab, w me famech koura, w we7ed yo5rej ya3mel doura b3id 3le touness 7 , chneya el afkar el bhima eli tjih?)

aya da9it el beb(me tes2lounich win) w tlabt n9abel, el mas2oul!

Ye5i me ra3ani ile, enou ahl thekr est9blouni b kol 7afewa, jebouli 7ata express ka7la w jeni 3arfhom el kbir , el mas2oul w 9ali ba3d me 3raf 3leh jitou :
chouf 3ayech weldi, ena ki bouk, na3ref masla7tek w ija 5ali nwarik
mekch baba, 3andi bou, y5arnen chwaya, ama manich most7a9 bou
ti haya me tebdech tsayeb fi 9elet el 7ye mte3ek, mani 9otlek ena bouk w na3ref masl7tek
baba dans le sens ****** fi om blédi yomken , euuuu3333 chneya hethi, ble soker el express merde
ble soker ? hay mochkletkom, 9talkom dlel, l9it me tekel walit t7eb me telbess, l9it 9ahwa walit t7eb 3le soker!! chouf, sehla yesser, ena omniti na3tik 7orytek el motl9a, el mochkla mouch feya ena, rahi el mochkla fik enti..
kifeh hethi trah ? kifeh el mochkla feya ena ? belehi fasarheli hethi
nfassrlek, ken na3tik 7orytek, tawa t5amjha, tbalbazha w td5elha b3atha, w tjini lel birou hetha tla7la7, brass omek na7i 3lina hal 7oreya rahi 5emjet w 5let, el 7oreya yelzmek tet3alamha 9bal, mahich sehla
ti ham ness o5rin 3andhom el 7oreya, w me 5emjetch, ham bel3akss t9admou w t7assnou ki na9dou rwe7hom w b3athom
rit ki 9otlek me t3rfch.. bara 3ayech weldi t3alem el 7oreya w ba3d tawa na7kiw
manich weldek, w sana3oud

aya sidi 5rajt men 3andou w ena mbahem, meni fehem chay

aya 9olt bel 7ram, waleti wel 3ozza, w sidi 3abd el 9ader, w google el 3athim ile me net3alem din omha hal 7oreya, bech tji as3ab men tabdil el couche mte3 youssef?

Haya 7alit el google, w 7atit école de liberté, w 9olt tawa na3mel dourouss 5oussouseya, etid bel 3arbi
El google me 5arajli chay
Aya 9olt nekteb liberté barka

W bdet hak les pages tal3a habta, ti hay ness el kol 3andha hal liberte el ma7nouna, ti hay bel kodss , ti haw 7ata sayed eli kont ba7theh w 9ali me n3tikch liberte lin tet3alamha, tla3 3al internet 7at eli houwa yfare9 fiha blech, w elle est disponible en stock weli ysader fiha jemla weli el 3alem el kol cheye5 w 3amel kif 3le sel3a mte3ou, yatl3chi schyzophrene le5ra, ena 7assitou meli 9ali ena bouk, eli houwa habet men kteb tari5 wela y7areb fi el 3ajla tubeless mte3 zaman
Zedet lawajt, nal9a el google el 3athim, a3tani des liens, nzelet, ye5i jetni taswiret hak sayed eli 9abltou,- w li tafedi tekrar wel itala-, ija n3aytoulou baba 3zizi (ey lezma 3zizi, vu 3omrou) 9ali na7i, i5a, koka, w 5arjli message 9ali “rit yassine ki mazelt me t3lmtech el 7oreya, ech mechi ta3mel fi hal les sites hethom, mekch tchouf fi el erheb wel pedophilie” ?

Abab, kifeh 3rafni yassine, yatla3chi y3ess 3le ness el kol, le ta25outhou sinaton wela nawm? Kifeh fe9 beya ? w le me ritech le erheb le pedophilie, d ailleurs me rit chay, ye5i 5alitni nod5el enti bech nchouf ?

N empeche erheb wela pedophilie 3le site mte3 ONG mo3tarfa biha nation unis, s3iba chwaya.
aya el google me 3tani chay, 9olt bara natla3 l bled ness, nchoufhom za3ma 3andhom hal 7oreya wela le, w ken 3andhom n9ayed fi ecole mte3 7oreya 5ali net3almha..

to be continued ..

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