الثلاثاء، 27 يوليو 2010

madrasst el 7oreya, 7al9a II

Aya sidi ben sidi
Ba3d me 5thit el visa, ye din omi me 5thitha ken me wala wejhi fi 9feya, t9oul visa lel janna, d ailleurs chbihom houma yjiw ble visa, ye5i beldhom bled, w bledna poubelle?? Chbihom yjiw y3afssou w a7na keyena el kolna sore9, chbihom yjiw bel 3ezz, w a7na thell men el 9onsoleya?? Ynachtou fi sye7a? ti ena sye7a ye rajel, yjib do5anou mel freeshop, w yatla3 el bit l hotel b chkara monoprix fiha el me w chocotom, ti bel7ram, waleti wal 3ozza,w google el 3athim, ki yemchiw chella 3zerra n3adiw jem3a, bin pizza w birra w pourboire nosrfou 9adhom 7,99 mara (ey 7ssebneha)
Ti le 3alayna
Aya sidi hbatet fi bled nour
Bdit ndour
Aya sidi, el bled mnathma, ness t9oss el kayess fi el 5tout mte3 9assen el kayess, bizarre non? Ena bidi 9olt c’est pas normal
Aya sidi 93adet fi 9ahwa, jeni serveur bachouch, tlabet 9ahwa w kess me, 9olt tawa trassili m3aha fi ka3ba gatou w dabouza me, le walah me sarha
Noghzor lel boulisseya , el bled msarbssa, aya walahi la3thim w rass weldi rit bouliss yath7ak, ey ey ena bidi me fhemtech, 3morkomchi ritou bouliss yath7ak?
Aya sidi, 9olt 5ali nechri 3 4 jarayed nchouf nal9ach annonce 3le madrssa mte3 7oreya, w chadni tho7k, 3andhom jarayed asamiha ttha7ek, haw jormena el marbouta, haw el 3alem haw 20 d9i9a, mouch kifna a7na, asemi jarayedna twa9ef el mo5 , el 7oreya, el bayen, el 7adath, ti ham met5lfin , tatl3chi me 3ndhmch 7oreya fi assemi el jareyd?
Aya banakt w na9ra, 9alek haw wzir na7awoh chadouh sere9, haw flen pour, haw falten contre, ye bou galb, 7ata ra2iss 9achtlouh, le me ye7chmouch, ti ham y9oulou kol chay, ye bouuuu galllbbb, bdit netlafet 3al ymin wel yssar le netrafel zeda, aya ki l9it kol chay yet9al, w me jeni 7ad hazni, 9olt mela base rahi fama 7arb ahleya, kima 9ali baba azizi, el 7oreya ma3neha te5mej, tlafatet mena, tlafatet men ghadi, chay, ness temchi w tji
Ena hakeka, je banek ba7theya we7ed franssawi, 3ad jbedet m3ah el hadra
Aya ye sidi 3andhom el battal ye5ou chahreya, ti a7na eli ye5dem 3andna chouf ye5ouha wela le
Aya ye sidi, rajel feded m ra2iss, w mel 7oukouma wel wezra, w mel boulisseya, yseb w y9achtel, bel 9wey zeda mouch fi 9albou
Sayed mouch 3ajbetou el beld wel 7ala
Aya 9olmt w 5alitou, le nwazer fi jortou
Dort dort dort w 3ayatet el we7ed, s2ltou, wa9teh ra2isshom jdid wala yo7kom, sayed me y3rfch, 9otlou le juste a3tini date, bech na3ref win nahbet base rahi date hathika esm akber chere3 wela akber se7a fi el bled, chadou tho7k 5aleni w mche, mala racism w mala 7ogra, tal3et el 7oreya ma3neha racism, 3andou el 7a9 baba azizi
Ena hakeka w jbedet ktayeb sghayer, fih esemi lonhoj w chwere3, ye din omi!!!! Chbihom haka hethom?? Ye5i chbiha chwere3 mte3hom el kol, asemi 3bed, chou3are2, w oudabe2, w 7oukame2, w 3oulame2, ye5i chbeha lanhoj mouch 445559, 112009, 3347778!!! Kifeh 3aychin hethom
Behi 9olt ntaba3 el alwen, base rahou nahj eli fih loun ra2isshom rahou akber nahj, chay me 3awnetnich el 7keya, s2elt franssaweya, o5ti, sama7ni belehi ra2isskom w 7ezbou, ti dawla mte3kom ma3neha chnouwa lounou? Hazetni w 7atetni w mchet, tfih 3le racism, ye5i mouch lezem loun? A7mer a5ther azreg mauve marorn?? Chneya hal 3icha hethi??
Aya taretli w fadit, thaher cha3b 5ayen mounewe2, aya nes2l direct 3ali jit 3lih
Win t3alamtou din om el 7oreya, wariwni ecole mte3 7oreya 5ali nemchi n9ayed
Eli nes2lou ytafini, eli nes2lou yath7ek 3leya, lin s5ef 3leya rajel kbir, 9ali a9ra teri5 w mche
Ena teri5 belehi? Teri5 fi bledi 9alouli eli rajel we7ed jeb el este9lel, 9alouli eli tari5 bde 3am 87, le 9arawni le 3le chouhade2 le 3outhame2 weli a7na men awelna cha3b kalb bni kalb, thaher fih 5ref rajel hatheka
Ena nsi7 w n3ayet, w nchouf bagga e5er nahj, 9olt gata3 gata3 ye yassine, raffle, ey s7i7 enti touriste ama ta3ref 3al ble, ye weldi 7akem ma3neha gata3
Tawa lila w nhar fi paris, 5ayatha nahj nahj, chere3 chere3, 3bed 3andha el 7oreya, dima tebki w techki w me y7bouch ythawiw win tji madresset el 7oreya
Zeyed, hani sma3t fama cha3b 7or akther menhom
Chalagueti w malagueti, w no9ssed rabi el hollanda..

To be continued…

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