الخميس، 29 يوليو 2010

madrasst el 7oreya, 7al9a VI

Aya sidi habtet bina tayara fi bled chnewa

Ena hakeka fi el matar, w yo3rethni waga3 tounssi, ey ey 7akim rou7ani, 3araf, ti hak eli tel9a l annonce mte3hom fi jarayed mte3na, el 7adath et kol ness, hek eli ydewi sida wel cancer w grippe A w y7el el biben w ya7ki m3a jnoun w yedou tjamed el me eli met5arej mel maghreb w fi el jarida ketbin 3lih yochkrou w ymajdou

Aya sidi salem salem, ghzarli fi 3inaya, 9ali enti tfol, heyel yesser, ti haw you7a hetha, w 9ali me t3rfch ech yestana fik, 9otlou s7i7 sidna chi5 w bdit nemen, 9ali enti saroulek 7ajet 5aybin w wej3ouk fi 7yetek, 9otlou s7i7 sidna chi5, thouri wja3ni barcha, thour 3arbi 5ater, 9ali omek bent ness, ey sidna chi5 ma9wek, yatla3chi ya7ki m3a jnoun bel7a9, le me7ala ken jet omi bent 9tatess rahou ba3boussi men teli mouch men 9odem, ama ena lebess serwel donc we7ed normal me ynjmch ya3ref si omi bent ness wela bent 9tatess

Chadni men yedi kbess w bde yor3ech b kolou, w 3inih zaghlet b dmou3 w 9ali, enti mabrouk, w 3andek chkoun mabrouka fi 7yetek, walahi s7i7 mart weld 3am jadi esmha mabrouka w 3amla wcham azreg fi jbinha

Zed r3och b kolou, 9ali enti 3andek mochkla, mochkla kbira zeda.. yna3n din omou kifeh fe9, ye5i maktoub 3le wejhi ejaculateur precoce?

Zed r3och 9ali 3andek 7aja 3thima testana fik fi el mota9bel, ama fame jenni yhoudi msaker 3lik, 9otlou oussefhouli, 9ali asla3 kerchou kbira, 5chin w ydih b ch3ar w sennih sfor, bon houwa s7i7 el wasf hetha yji 3le chtar rjel touness, controleurs mte3 el car, civils, w baba 3zizi compris, ki 9otlou haka tghachach w 9ali a39ed neya w 5amem mli7 tawa yfakrek b we7ed bark, aya 39adet neya, 3o9dtin zeda w me je fi mo5i ken we7ed bark, sidi 7mida eli 9arani fi 4 ibtide2i

W ki tfakrtou, 3inaya zaghlet b dmou3, tfakart mabrouka, el 3ssa eli trabina biha, eli 9rina biha, tfakrt el ma7fouthat, tfakart mara kifeh hazitlou za3ma poeme ktebtou, 3adit fih jem3tin, w ketbou b stylo bic mouch pointe fine bech yothor kbir, w mechkoul, ye5i tha7ek 3leya classe kemel w law7ou fi zebla w 9ali ken 9rit ech 9otlek 5ir

Sidi 7mida, eli benesba lih el kolna fachal fi fachal, weli mahouch bch yo5rej mena chay,w ye 7assra 3le 9rayet zmen

Sidi 7mida eli rbatni se3tin w 3ayet el baba, w 3adeli mabrouka 3le la7mi, ki mara nsal7ou fi mas2la, 9otlou sidi 3leh 7al w 3amel, najmou na3mlouhom fi wa7da barka

Sidi 7mida eli 7abna ness el kol na9raw etude bessif, ki me 7abitech, 9ali 3leh, 9otlou 5ater ema5er me na5latch 3al comique fi dar, w ena ntaba3 fi voltran wa9tha, ti hetheka mte3 chakilou ra2ssa wal 9adamayn, habtet 3leya mabrouka

Sidi 7mida eli mara ena nchawech, ye5i 3a9eb tfol e5er 5atih meskin, 9otlou sidi le rani ena eli chawacht, fata9 tfol le5er b tri7a w facha5ni ena zeda b tri7a 5ater houwa me yoghlotch

Sidi 7mida eli ken ki yo5rej y7ot we7ed fi saboura y9ayed esm eli ychawech, weli ychawech barcha ta7tou croix, w y7ot we7ed b ser9a y3ess 3ali 7atou y3ess 3lina

Sidi 7mida eli mara haka 9otlou me 3andekch el 7a9 tothrobni, w manich bech nmed yedi, ye5i klit b mabrouka 3le termti lin 9olt yezi, w jebli el moudir w walit thawri, ghir wa9tha c’etais pas trop en vogue wela rani walit erhebi, wela mounewe2, wela nthor bel amn el e9tissadi mte3 el 9essm

Sidi 7mida eli jeh baba awel el 3am 9alou 7asbni b jelda, ye5i ken fi mostawa tatlou3at baba

Ahhh sidi 7mida w mabrouka

Aya amant b barket hal wague3 hetha w 9otlou sidi ech yelzmek

9ali 7acha leleh, me 7achtich b floussek

Ye sidi chi5 zid 5amem

3inih 7maret, w kchekchou tal3et, w 9ali walah me sarha, ena ne5ou flouss? Mosta7il, ama ken t7eb t5ali chwaya lel b5our w louben bit makka, el kolou te5thou ajr, tal9ah fi 7ofrtek nhar e5er

Aya 9otlou ta3rfch kifeh, ija na3mlou etife9, ena n7eb nemchi l Israel, ey nchouf kifeh 3aychin, nel9achi madrssa mte3 7oreya ghadi, t3awenich?

Chnouwa 9ali, Israel?? Hbelt?? Esmha filastine el mo7tala ye kebdi

Hne jit n5amem, ti esmha Israel, t7eb wela takrah, 3andha 3lam, 7oudoud w 3asker w mo3tarfa biha nations unis, hetha we9e3, samiha 7ata fa9ouss, tawa ta5ralha fih, 9adech menou el harben mel wa9a3? esmha Israel w elle est la, w ken 3jebni w 3ejbou w 3jeb jnounou, tawa ma7soub ki bech nsamiha falastine el mo7tala, 7arartha ena wela jebt l emaliha el 5obz, mala ri9, 93adna ken fi el asemi w 7amra gham9a wela 7amra fet7a

Aya sidi, me5tha fi el 5ater bech me nwalich yhoudi(comme si sabba, ti mahout din mel adyen) 9otlou eyyyyyh sama7ni sidi chi5, rani sghir w noghlot (7ssebtou ki sidi 7mida, mani mrobi rbeyet mabrouka)

9ali 3andi lik dwe, elbess hal bonnet tawa twali invisible, hani tayara el 3al ghadi naguez fiha, tel9a rou7ek fi el 9odss el mo7tala

Aya lbestha, w ena fi galbi bech nestana tayara jeya, n7eb nahbet fi 7ayfa, 3le me nasma3 biha n7eb nemchilha

Dinomha, kol 3am fiha prix nobel wela nomine prix nobel

Ena mani mouhandess, kol me n7el article damdoum fi informatique wela telecom, nahbet melouta nal9ah men 3and ndra chkoun ndra chkoun jeme3t 7ayfa

A9wa enterprises hi tech fi el 3alem, 3andhom des labos w m3amel ghadi

Yassine fi9, fi999 ye5i tlawej 3le madrasst 7oreya wela stage?? Ti eyh bara barka ma7ssoub, belkchi ki tebda jem3a 9weya w barcha 3elm, tebda 3andhom matiere esmha 7oreya, 7ata option

Aya sidi, walit invisible, w mchit l tayara bech nahbet fi 7ayfa

To be continued..

الأربعاء، 28 يوليو 2010

madrasst el 7oreya, 7al9a V

Haya sidi 9omt sbe7 mrahwej
Lila kalba lilet el bere7, keyeni chrabt barcha… chneya hethi bled el kolha 7oryet w 7ou9ou9 , w el 7akem fiha yettaba9 3lih el 9anoun, w yath7ak, el markez le fih le zollat le dactilo, w 3andhom el 7oreya hethi el kol, b 4 ka3bet 7akem, w sa7afa tekteb ech t7eb w ness t9oul ech t7eb…

7aja me da5letch mo5i

Aya 9omt bessif, 3malt 9hiwti, cha3alt we7ed ctistou, w 93adet n5amem, za3ma natla3 el baba 3zizi, n9olou win bech net3alem din omha el 7oreya ena, ti hakom msakrin kol chay, lycee, el jem3a, cinema, el masra7, sa7afa l’internet? Win bech na3rfha w nchem ri7etha ena? Hani mchit el bled ness, fi beli 3andhom madrssa mte3 7oreya 9olt na9ra, 7ata bel flouss, libre ma3neha, ye5i chay, me famech…hani 9olt nemchi nchouf kifeh el 7oreya 7aja 5ayba w e5a w kaka, nal9aha chou3oub eli 3andha 3aycha fi ne3ma, 7ata zaweli fihom metfarhed, ba3d eli y9oul w y3aber, yetnafess, l9ithom 7ayin..
W ba3d 9olt le, me nmchilouch, nzid ndour, aya t3rfchi kifeh, 5ali nemchi el bolden at3ass menna, ;ahou baba 3zizi 9ali ken ta3ref ne3ma wel 7oreya eli enti fihom tawa te7med rabek, 5ater baba 3zizi, 3andou theorie, fi 3outh noghzrou leli 5ir menna bech n9admou, le noghzrou leli at3ass mena bech nzidou nwa5rou, w kol 3am ton9ess bled m lista mte3 eli at3ass menna, et ki nwaliw le5ranin? Le 3andou thi9a fi niger, et de toute facon, houwa 5 snin w ye5ou retraite, ma3adech mochkeltou la7keya.
Aya rekbetli w 9olt tawa el kourya chamaleya natla3
Aya sidi, kalamt chkoun w chkoun, w 3malt idin w se9in, w yedin omi mas3ab el visa mte3hom
Aya sidi selket fi visq lel jomhoureya cha3beya el koureya chamaleya, bon signe, déjà ham jomhoureya kifna
Aya sidi 5thit tayara fi etijeh matar pyongyang dawli, fi el voyage, jbedet dostour mte3hom mtarjem w bdit na9ra
Aya sidi el fasl 3 m dostour el kouri chameli : el jomhoureya el koureya chamaleya te5ou afkar jme3a semewhom ama me 3rafthomch axes 3le el ach5ass (mouhemnin ma3neha w fi centre el ehtimamet w el 3ineya el mawssoula) w 3le el 3a9ida thawreya wel hadaf menha ta7rir el joumou3 cha3beya
Heyel 5lass, chay ya3mel el kif, ti hay 3andhom el 7oreya hethom, wel hadaf mte3 9yam dawlethom houwa ta7rirhom, ti 3inaya zaghlet b dmou3, natla3chi ghalet ki jit hne, yatl3ou a9wa mel o5rin, za3ma hne yjibni rabi l sweb w nel9a madrasst el 7oreya ?
Aya kamalt na9ra, stana se3a, fi preambule mte3 dostour, 7atin eli Kim II sung houwa ra2iss el abadi, eyh el abadi lel jomhoureya, mouch mada el 7ayet, el abadi, weli weldou de facto, meli met bouh, houwa ra2iss
Chay ya3mel el kif, 3ad chbih, ye5i yothorli a7na el jomhoureya me fhemnehech, ti haw la7bib, eli jebelna wa7dou el este9lel, 7at rou7ou ra2iss mada el 7ayet, haw hetha eli 3andna tawa, na9ra 3lih 7at rou7ou ra2iss lel abad, za3ma zouz ghaltin, la7bib bourguiba w Kimm II sung zouz ghaltin ?
Aya sidi zedt nchouf, yezi m dostour w dsetra, yezi, trah chneya a7welha m3a el etifa9yet mte3 el 7oreya el 3alameya ?
Yaaaaaaaaaa ti hay msa7a7a 3le etifa9yet mte3 el 7oryet el assasseya w 7ou9ou9 el enssen w chay kbir, haw s7i7 9alou hollanda 9alou danmark, wa9tech na5ltou bark, 5ali nchouf hal bled eli el hadaf mel 9yem mte3ha houwa ta7rir cha3b el kouri, weli dostourha ya3mel sab3a w tes3a w tes3in kif
Aya sidi hbatna, meli fi el matar se3a t9oul kouri, ka3btin w ka3ba w 3bed wjouha makboussa, w l9it rou7i t9oul fi rass jdir, ness el kol tsi7 w t3ayet w tfarkess w tsseb, w tho7ka le, mela bouliss yetbassem wela yfadlk ?
W a7na tayara kemla 5 meness, fama 3al a9al 87 bouliss, aya sidi 4 sweye3 w noss bech 5rajna mel matar.
Taxi?? Anssa! Me famech taxiyet, ti me famech kraheb, s5ef 3leya we7ed meli jit m3ahom fi tayara, diplomate indounissi, 9ali ija nwaslek
Aya sidi hbatna west el bled, w l9it rou7i t9oul enkawer fi stade mt3i mouch fi exterieur, wjouh ma9boutha, ness temchi w roussha louta, meli 5rajna mel matar w tsawer ra2iss fi kol no9ba heya w njoum wel loun we7ed, kiran t9oul 515b ama juste zarga, la3bed el kol lebssa we7da, b kbarhom b sgharhom le fihom we7ed ya3ref yath7ak, wel kolha temchi tetlafet 3al imin w 3al issar, el 5ouf, ro3b fi el 3inin, yothorli 5ayfin 3le 7oryethom el kbira le ton9oss, m2ayssin, t9oul ken houma 3andhom el btala! Mala 7ala
W ye bou galb w ech fama boulisseya w 3asker, w apparament 5edmet civil heya bidha fi el 3alem el kol, el wa7id eli yebda yetchou7er 3al 3alem wa7dou hakeka w sennih sfor, me ykoun ken civil,fi kol jomhoureya fi el 3alem, yothorli men chourout 9yem el jomhoureya : civil eli yechri fi chbouk
Aya 7assilou wsselt lel hotel, wela el wkela, d5alt, me s5oun me famech, hbatet l reception nes2l w n3ar3er, rajel 9rib yboul 3le rou7ou, ye7lef w yetkatef eli 3andhom el me s5oun weli kol chay 3andhom, b fathl enjazet ra2isshom w bouh
Behi, ena nest5ayel, tla3et dawcht bel bered, w hbatet na3mel fi 9ahwa, nel9a receptionist ya7ki m3a zouz, w yghzorli
Jewni, salem salem, enti mnin w ech t7eb w ech ta3mel hne
9oltelhom chkoun syedetkom, aya 3le hek el kelma, chelouni, w rkebet fi bagua men teli, el kolha ri7et boul, w trace mte3 dam
Aya sidi da5louni el banya, jeni we7ed thaher mas2oul ghadi, 9ali ta3ref rou7ek win? 9otlou abab, markez, hani nchouf fi dactilo wel 3ssa men houni
Aya sidi jbed war9a w bde yes2el feya, chkoun b3athni, w 3andi mousawra wela le, w mnin jey w 3leh, w ba3ed 9ali hak sa7a7, jit noghzor nal9aha bel kouri, 9olt ma7ssoub, fi bledi mani sa7a7t manghir me 9rit bech just nrawa7 jet fi hethi?
Aya sidi saybouni 9odem el markez w nathreb 7 sweye3 bech na5let lel hotel
Aya fi bit l hotel, 7alit talvza, 9olt nchouf ech sar fi denya, ya bou galb w net9thef men blasti, ti hay touness sab3a, ti haw sofiene show.. ahhh juste guerd fi belvedere mte3hom, aya 93adet netfarej, me fhemt chay, ama fhemet eli cha3b hetha y7eb ra2issou barcha, la5bar el masra7yet el stade, kol chay fih taswirtou, 7ata el 7ajemma wel jazara, w ham ywariw fi nwemer t9oul belkchi enjazet
Aya sidi, 9olt n7el el pc nal9achi wifi, chay
S2elt reception, ama el mara hethi 3raft kifeh ns2lou 3ad, 9otlou na3ref eli 3ndkom internet, 3andkom kol chay, ama 3andi el 7a9 ena l etranger nconecti?
9ali ahbet, chamitha 9arssa, 9olt me yfoknich mel gorgeni mte3hom el mara hethi, hbatet, warani pc fi tarkina, mchit bech nconecti
Aya sidi el 7aja eli nenzel 3liha yjini pyong chi fla 404, eye y pyong chi fla houwa esm dala3 mte3 3ammar hne, ti hay internethom ki eli 3andna, kol chay 7ram? Kifeh 3amlin, 3andhom 5wenjeya y5awfou bihom hne zeda?
Mouch lezem, behi chbih 3andi chaine wa7da fi el bit? Les paraboles sont interdits, behi les radios? Les radios etrangeres sont interdits, behi jarayed, el jarayed etrangeres sont interdits, behi jarayed nationale ? madli zouz, wa7da esmha el 7oreya (ay tacheboh fi el asma2 houwa men wa7y sodfa) w lo5ra esmha thawra
Aya na9ra w ntarjem w noghzor m chobek, ye din omi, natla3chi ghalet fi el bled, ti hay nwemer w tsawer w chahadet t9oul eli ena fi a7ssen bled fi el 3alem, b fathl el 3inaya el mawssoula mte3 ra2isshom, noghzor m chobek t9oul fi 7abba m9ay7a fi termet el 3alem, natl3chi ghalet fi el bled zeda ??
W chihom haka, kol chay 3amlou ra2iss, el 9nater, el m3amel, el 5athara, etadchin, kol chay tebna w ta3mel w tguad b 9arar ri2assi, ti mela chbi din omhom 3amlin 7oukouma w wezra, 3ad b an9ess masrouf, tardouhom, blech bihom, houwa ra2iss ya3mel fi kol chay wa7dou, chneya lazmethom belehi ?
Aya 3awedt rja3t l reception, 9otlou n7eb n7awess kifeh na3mel ? 9ali 5outh tar5iss, men 3and chkoun? men 3and el markez eli yrassel el mou5abrat bech testachir el 7ezb bech t3adi el milaf el idaret el ejeneb bech …. Yezi yezi yezi, mouch lezem, mani na3rafha 7keyet tasari7 hethi..
Fakrni b weld 7oumti, chadou el 7akem, 3adewh mask sile7 abyath bi douni ro5ssa, aya sidi 3ada ayametou w 5raj, mche lel markez, chbik ? n7eb ro5ssa mte3 mask sile7 abyeth, bara rawa7 me famech ro5ssa .. 93ad mbahem meskin, ama mel kaf louwel fe9
Aya sidi 9olt netsarsseb ndour wa7di
Nal9aha tsawer wel ghnayet el watanya fi el kayess, w tsawer s snob w ta3thim w tamjid, je bouliss mte3 circulation ykalem feya, thaher 5ater manich mel bled, bogosse 3lihom, 9otlou men touness, me 3rafhech (7ata ena me abhamni, bled le talvza, le internet le jarayed, le radio mnin bech ya3ref meskin), ye din omi, touness touness touness ye 7elwa enti ye touness, chay ka3ba le, 9otlou touness mte3 el amn wal aman, chay, 93adet netfaker fi lo5ra mte3 lotfi bouchne9, eyh a7na el joud param param
Aya 7assilou lel mara thenya fi el bagua
W direct lel matar, law7ouni fi awel tayara tal3a , escale fi chine, w direct touness
Hani fi el bagga… w zeyed bech nkabech bech nlawej 3la madrasset 7oreya, hani ritha el 7oreya, tbahbir fi dostour, tbahbir fi el jarayed, sout we7ed, loun we7ed, ta3m we7ed, manther we7ed, w cha3b 3andou el 7oreya el motl9a fi enou y7ebou, wela ya3ch9ou, wela yethrab fih, wela ysendou
5ali no5rej men hal 7ofra inchouf ech bech yssir w ba3d ya3mel allah, au moins el 7aja el behya, eli j etais pas depayse, fi el jomhoureya el koureya.. juste el asemi wel degree mte3 el 7oreya tbadel chwaya w barah

To be continued..

الثلاثاء، 27 يوليو 2010

madrast el 7oreya, 7al9a IV

Haya ye sidi ben sidi hbatet fi Copenhagen, bard yanka7 fi el 3tham
9olt belehi 5ali nchouf hal 7oreya kifeh, ti hethom mnin ya3rfouha el 7oreya, ti jdoudhom 3asker, sore9 w noheb, Viking, jboura, ya3rfou ken el ghoura w yest3rfou ken bel bounya…
Aya sidi, mani m7ather rou7i, hbatet el bar ghadi, fih jme3a ta7ki bel 3arbi
Nal9a wlayed souri, men sourya ma3neha, aya fra7 beya
W 7kitlou 7keyti
Haya bde ya7kili, 9ali ye sidi hethi mamlka
Mamlka, ti ena me 7abitech n9oulha , netmanyek 3le jme3et hollanda, mazelou 3andhom el mamlka, Ti kifeh 7oreya, wel 7okm 3andhom MST, yet3ada bel nike7?? A7na me 3anech h ri9 hetha, a7na 3andna 53 sné jomhoureya, w fassl bayn solat, w ra2iss monta5ab 9alou mamlka 9alou ri9
W hné sra7t chwaya, w rja3t el klem baba 3zizi
Tawa ken cha3b nathej w we3i w ya3ref, tsaker 3lih w to5ne9 fih lweh
W kenou me ya3rfch, w jehel, w bhim w met5alef, 3ad, naturellement bech tkoun e5tyaratou ghalta, w ta3issa, w de5la fi 7it, surtout hek eli ye5ouha b 99% aw akther…
Bi3a m9at3a, yna3nbou el vodka el kalba
Aya rja3t el sadi9i, we2el, eli chadou tho7k ki 7kitlou haka w 3mal rou7ou me sme3nich
Aya 9ali bech na7kilek 7keytin sehlin tawa tefhem, lahné, internet haut debit 7a9 dostouri
3ad hne ena 9assit 3lih w chadni tho7k, 9otlou 7a9 dostouri bi me yakfilouhou el 9anoun, kima 3andna a7na, ti mahou 3andna chab3a 7ou9ou9 dostoureya, hani mkadssa bel bala, w ki tji to9reb te5ou fiha, tal9aha mahich msayba, tel9aha t7ilek ye 3le 9anoun, s3ib w mosta7il w m3a9ed w el kolou rad3 w jazr, w vague w houlemi, wela ki temchi te5ou fih tal9a sayed eli supposé ya3tihoulek (7achekom) me fi belouch bih
Chadou tho7k w 3mal rou7ou me sme3nich, w kamel 7keytou, 9ali fama blayess hné na7aw fihom el boulisseya jemla
Zedet 9assit 3lih, 9otlou 7ata a7na 3andna hethi, 3andna marakez tsaker el 10, yebda fiha bouliss msakrin 3lih men barra
Zed th7ak, w 3mal rou7ou me sme3nich, w kamel, 3ad 9otlek fama blayess na7aw fihom el boulisseya 5ater l9aw eli ma3adech fihom crime jemla, 7ata natra, 7ata sab jalela, 7ata sokr watha7, 7ata 7ar9an mte3 stop fi 5 w 7 snin eli t3adew
Hné bahamt w hbelt, ye din omi, le brakaget, le mechekel, ti ena fi beli mademou we7ed men akther chou3oub 7oreya fi el 3alem, rahou ech lezemhom amn w amen w boulisseya l 7efth safw el amn el 3am, mademhom 3andhom hal 7ou9ou9 el kol, lin weslet internet haut debit 7a9 dostouri, w ye5thou fiha hal 7ou9ou9, rahi 7arb ahleya
Ye din omi, el 7oreya possible w manghir 7akem?????? El amn wel amen possible manghir 7akem??
Le ena chrabt barcha
9otlou yezi, wja3tli 9albi, ghodwa nahbet el touness n9abel baba 3zizi, tawa hezni 7awess beya
9alou mamlka, w blech boulisseya, w malek me yo7kem fi chay, ti a7na jomhoureya mouch mamlka, w weld 5alet bent 3am sa7ebt el 3omda, ye5ou ro5sset taxi w 9ahwa w yo7kem fi chtar 9arya!!!
Hezni, hezni warini kifeh yashrou hethom, base y5amjouha w yehrdouha
Aya sidi hazni l boita, chti7 w rdi7 w chrab wel drogue, chay 7assilou mbaza3, fi el 5arja el 7akem, 9anoun watha7, boulisseya tath7ak, t3awen, eli sokran yraw7ou bih houma el beb dar, ti chneya hethi, ti ena nes5ayebha nokta eli chorta fi 5edmet cha3b!!!
Aya 9otlou hezni lel hotel nbet w sbe7 ya3mel allah, wselna, nathreb 3al passport, me l9itouch
Yna3nbou hal 3amla
Mchina lel markez, d5alt, tesdamet, ye din omi, markez t9oul hotel, w boulisseya tath7ek, le trabrib, le tharb, le 3yat, 7atouni fi salle d attente, chauffée w fiha talvza, w se2louni n7ebech tbib ye bou galb..
Aya 3aytouli, s7i7 metamen chwaya ama makbouss, y93ed dima markez
Aya d5alt w netfla9 nath7ek, kifeh y7elou fi el jarayem hethom? Ti mahou lezem 3ssa w cendrier w dactilo, ye5i mouch hatheka ma3oun san3a ? chneya hal birouwet wel makinet w s5at, ye5i mthabet markez, natla3chi fi dar tha9afa zeda? Le walah markez, w me fihech le 3ssa, le dactilo, ti kifehhhh
Aya el 7assilou, raj3ou m3aya lel bar wel9ina lawra9 w waslouni lel hotel
W thneya kemla, mela 9oul bouliss 7ra9 thaw wela stop wela zamer, chayyy, ena 9olt sokran, nssé eli houwa bouliss..
Mala 7oreya hethi, hal 7oreya eli toussel t5ali el 9anoun yetaba9 7ata 3al boulisseya, el 7oreya eli t5ali 7ata el boulisseya ma3adech 3andhom lezma, aya ki 9odem l’hotel s2elt el bouliss, 9olt ya3rafchi madrssa mte3 7oreya, th7ak w 9ali, ta3lim (base ya7ki 3le LMD) w teri5
Yna3nbou tari5, tawa mathmoul w bech nor9ed, ghodwa nchoufou 7keyet tari5 hethi…

To be continued..

madrasst el 7oreya, 7al9a III

aya sidi ben sidi, mana 9olna natla3 el hollanda nchouf 7keyet el 7orreya hethi, yatl3ouchi jeybinha men ghadi, vu eli me 3ndhomch 7ata ecole mte3 7orreya
aya 5oukom mesteness b rass jdir w b 7doud dzeyer, hazit m3aya zedi w zouedi, 9olt me yfoknich men 4 sweye3 fi el 7doud
aya w ena mechi lel gare du nord, kima n9oulou a7na barchalouna mte3hom, t3adit 3le jeme3, putain merde zut la vache, ti kifeh jeme3 ma7loul fi ghir wa9t sle, chneya la7keya hethi ?? ye5i mouch normalement ysaker el jeme3?? !!!!
aya rkebet fi train w yegta3 galbou ech yejbed, 7assiou me fhemet chay
aya swi3tin w noss ba3d w9ef, 9olt c bon, nahbtou l diwena, rana fi 7doud belgika taw
walah me sarha, direct fi amsterdam
ye5i makomch bech tmarmdouni fi diwena ?? thantlouni tfarkssouni?? Ti ena mrawa7 men Libya mara fi louage, kol 100 mitrou ywa9afni bouliss yhantalini w ymarmadni, hetha ki d5alt el touness, w fi diwena mte3 libya mazblouni w fi mte3 touness zedou 3leya, ti chneya el 7ala hethi
aya sidi hbatet, 3andi weld 7ouma ghadi, aya tlabtou jeni
aya ndourou, nchoufou ken fi el 3re wel gre, 3bed tetkayef w tbi3 fi zatla 3ayneni
chneya hetha? Hethi el 7oreya??????????
Jina ncho9ou fi el kayess el kraheb we9fet w t3adina, el kraheb temchi 50 bel7a9, me fama 7ata krhba tal3a 3al medda, el kolha mestweya
Ness mnathma, tched saf, el kraheb te9ef fi thaw, aya walahi la3thim, ritha b 3inaya, bouliss we9ef fi thaw la7mer, aya sad9ou wela me tsad9ouch!!!
Aya hazni weld 7oumti el 9ahwa, banakna w bde ya7kili
Bdeli 7keytou meli kifeh fad fi touness, 6 snin battal, w houma maitrise teri5, weli kifeh mimtou tesreglou dinar kol youm men 3and bouh, 71 sne, bech ye5ou swaguer w 9hiwa yelzem ykaml biha nhar, kifeh chba3 kaff w chlebe9 men 3and el 7akem, kifeh tebraka martin fi bled el amn wel aman, kifeh galbou tharra mel car safra, w kifeh houwa battal bech ycherek fi concours yotlbou 3lih tembri b 10 dinars a9al 7aja w kifeh win yosken, a 6 km mel 3asma, me 3ndhomch zigouettes
Aya 3mal haka, tla3 w hbat w be3 thibet omou w 7ra9
7keli kifeh nafss 7arass el 7oudoud eli 5ayef menhom w yejriw wra el flouka w 7ala 7lila, ki je 7are9, houma bidhom eli 3arthoulou bel machmoum ki rawa7
Nafss el 3omda eli ken 7agrou, wala y3aytlou si flen, yna3mbou l euro
Aya kamel rachfa men 9ahwtou, w 9ali a7kili ech ta3mel houni
7kitlou 7keyti, m3a baba azizi, w dourti fi franssa
9ali chouf ye weld ness, hne 9anounhom s3ib yesser, kol chay mnathem, a9al 7aja 5teya, w 5teya kbira, ra7ma le, le thourouf ta5fif, le carta tunisiana lel bouliss, le 9hiwa lel 3omda, kol chay msater w mathbout, weli y5alef el 9anoun mche yzamer
El 9anoun mte3hom ya3tihom el 7oryet el kol, t7eb tetkayef zatla, t7eb tbi3 rou7ek, t7eb t9amer, t7eb ton9od w tenta9ed, oumourek, ama 8h men ghodwa me tjich te5dem, tetared
Hne 3le 9ad me el 9anoun s3ib, 3le 9ad me famech aktef, 3le 9ad me yfoklek 7a9ek 7ad 7ata ki yebda ra2iss markez wela 3andou 5ouh fi stup, 7ad me yfoklek 7a9ek, kol chay 9odemek, e7tarem el 9anoun, w a3mel ech t7eb
9otlou Ye5i el 9anoun ytab9ou fih bel 7a9???? Mouch juste za3ma za3ma l touriste, wel eli 3andou rbo3 pouvoir ymarmdek w yhantlek w ydagdgek w echki lel 3erwi??
Sket me jewbnich…
Eyh 9otlou, heyel barcha, ey ama ki walew a7rar haka, me 5emjetch, me da5letch b3atha, me gholtouch fi b3athom?
9ali le, 5ater el 9anoun yetaba9 3le ness el kol, w me yekber fi 3inhom 7ad, me famech zouz 9awanin, ki enti tahreb bouliss twali mojrom w ki houwa yathrbek ywali yrabi fik, w me tharbekch, le le lahne 7ata ki tjik 5teya l dar mte3 chonguel yab3thoulek m3aha war9a pour contester, bech t9oul le mouch s7i7
Ghriba, ena fi beli ken el 9anoun s3ib, rahi la3bed ma5nou9a fedda
9ali le ye rajel, hne el 9anoun ya3mlouh la3bed bech yra3i masal7hom, mouch t3mlou jnoun
Heyel yesser, 9oum ndourou 7awess beya to3rethnechi madrssa mte3 7oreya
Haya a7na ndourou, nal9aw la3bed tetkayef fi zatla 3le 7sseb sottach
W ech fiha gwerra haka Amsterdam, beleh t9oul el 7ammamet fi sif, zouz twenssa wel be9i el kol gwerra
9otlou ye5i tatl3chi 7keyet zatla hethi, mou2amra mel 3adew sohyouni bech ymaya3 chbeb w yansew el 5edma wel 9atheya
Chadou tho7k meskin lin 9rib yechra9, w 9ali ye rajel me famech chkoun ye5dem 9adhom, bledhom 7okka w fou9 el me, le petrole le 7did, bnewha mel 3adam b3d me ter7at fi 2 guerres mondiales, w hanhom yeskrou w y3ariw w yetkayfou, ama ye5dmou, w yontjou, w y3abrou, w hanhom men a7ssen chou3oub el 3aycha fi denya, kol mouwaten hne mouhem w 3andou 9ima, ghir chwaya racistes w barah
Ti chnouwa 9otlou, mouch ki kont fi touness, enti m3a el omma wel we7da el 3arabya, w a7na w houma, w 3abd nassr w hak ri9, ki jit houni walit tloum 3lihom, rabi yehdik
Hazni el 7ouma el kolha des turcs, , jweme3 ma7loula, nsse bel 5imar, 3adi
Mala bled w mala heya
El 7oreya lel jami3, wel 9anoun faw9a el jami3, w a7rar lil 5raw fih, w me famech 7arb ahlya, w le pire me fama 7ata madrssa mte3 7oreya
9otlou belehi sa9ssili famechi madrssa college 7ata meddeb mte3 7oreya 5ali nemchi na9ra
Me 7abch yenbezni weld 7oumti mche 7keli m3ahom w rja3, 9ali 9aloulek, a9ra tari5..
Hethi 7keya fiha enna, el 7oreya mouch mte3hom, zeyed, bagla liha, natla3 l scandinave sme3t bihom 3andhom enjazet fi el 7oreya 9ad el 9nater eli 3andna.
Aya salamt 3le weld 7oumti, w yallah ye denmark

To be continued…

madrasst el 7oreya, 7al9a II

Aya sidi ben sidi
Ba3d me 5thit el visa, ye din omi me 5thitha ken me wala wejhi fi 9feya, t9oul visa lel janna, d ailleurs chbihom houma yjiw ble visa, ye5i beldhom bled, w bledna poubelle?? Chbihom yjiw y3afssou w a7na keyena el kolna sore9, chbihom yjiw bel 3ezz, w a7na thell men el 9onsoleya?? Ynachtou fi sye7a? ti ena sye7a ye rajel, yjib do5anou mel freeshop, w yatla3 el bit l hotel b chkara monoprix fiha el me w chocotom, ti bel7ram, waleti wal 3ozza,w google el 3athim, ki yemchiw chella 3zerra n3adiw jem3a, bin pizza w birra w pourboire nosrfou 9adhom 7,99 mara (ey 7ssebneha)
Ti le 3alayna
Aya sidi hbatet fi bled nour
Bdit ndour
Aya sidi, el bled mnathma, ness t9oss el kayess fi el 5tout mte3 9assen el kayess, bizarre non? Ena bidi 9olt c’est pas normal
Aya sidi 93adet fi 9ahwa, jeni serveur bachouch, tlabet 9ahwa w kess me, 9olt tawa trassili m3aha fi ka3ba gatou w dabouza me, le walah me sarha
Noghzor lel boulisseya , el bled msarbssa, aya walahi la3thim w rass weldi rit bouliss yath7ak, ey ey ena bidi me fhemtech, 3morkomchi ritou bouliss yath7ak?
Aya sidi, 9olt 5ali nechri 3 4 jarayed nchouf nal9ach annonce 3le madrssa mte3 7oreya, w chadni tho7k, 3andhom jarayed asamiha ttha7ek, haw jormena el marbouta, haw el 3alem haw 20 d9i9a, mouch kifna a7na, asemi jarayedna twa9ef el mo5 , el 7oreya, el bayen, el 7adath, ti ham met5lfin , tatl3chi me 3ndhmch 7oreya fi assemi el jareyd?
Aya banakt w na9ra, 9alek haw wzir na7awoh chadouh sere9, haw flen pour, haw falten contre, ye bou galb, 7ata ra2iss 9achtlouh, le me ye7chmouch, ti ham y9oulou kol chay, ye bouuuu galllbbb, bdit netlafet 3al ymin wel yssar le netrafel zeda, aya ki l9it kol chay yet9al, w me jeni 7ad hazni, 9olt mela base rahi fama 7arb ahleya, kima 9ali baba azizi, el 7oreya ma3neha te5mej, tlafatet mena, tlafatet men ghadi, chay, ness temchi w tji
Ena hakeka, je banek ba7theya we7ed franssawi, 3ad jbedet m3ah el hadra
Aya ye sidi 3andhom el battal ye5ou chahreya, ti a7na eli ye5dem 3andna chouf ye5ouha wela le
Aya ye sidi, rajel feded m ra2iss, w mel 7oukouma wel wezra, w mel boulisseya, yseb w y9achtel, bel 9wey zeda mouch fi 9albou
Sayed mouch 3ajbetou el beld wel 7ala
Aya 9olmt w 5alitou, le nwazer fi jortou
Dort dort dort w 3ayatet el we7ed, s2ltou, wa9teh ra2isshom jdid wala yo7kom, sayed me y3rfch, 9otlou le juste a3tini date, bech na3ref win nahbet base rahi date hathika esm akber chere3 wela akber se7a fi el bled, chadou tho7k 5aleni w mche, mala racism w mala 7ogra, tal3et el 7oreya ma3neha racism, 3andou el 7a9 baba azizi
Ena hakeka w jbedet ktayeb sghayer, fih esemi lonhoj w chwere3, ye din omi!!!! Chbihom haka hethom?? Ye5i chbiha chwere3 mte3hom el kol, asemi 3bed, chou3are2, w oudabe2, w 7oukame2, w 3oulame2, ye5i chbeha lanhoj mouch 445559, 112009, 3347778!!! Kifeh 3aychin hethom
Behi 9olt ntaba3 el alwen, base rahou nahj eli fih loun ra2isshom rahou akber nahj, chay me 3awnetnich el 7keya, s2elt franssaweya, o5ti, sama7ni belehi ra2isskom w 7ezbou, ti dawla mte3kom ma3neha chnouwa lounou? Hazetni w 7atetni w mchet, tfih 3le racism, ye5i mouch lezem loun? A7mer a5ther azreg mauve marorn?? Chneya hal 3icha hethi??
Aya taretli w fadit, thaher cha3b 5ayen mounewe2, aya nes2l direct 3ali jit 3lih
Win t3alamtou din om el 7oreya, wariwni ecole mte3 7oreya 5ali nemchi n9ayed
Eli nes2lou ytafini, eli nes2lou yath7ek 3leya, lin s5ef 3leya rajel kbir, 9ali a9ra teri5 w mche
Ena teri5 belehi? Teri5 fi bledi 9alouli eli rajel we7ed jeb el este9lel, 9alouli eli tari5 bde 3am 87, le 9arawni le 3le chouhade2 le 3outhame2 weli a7na men awelna cha3b kalb bni kalb, thaher fih 5ref rajel hatheka
Ena nsi7 w n3ayet, w nchouf bagga e5er nahj, 9olt gata3 gata3 ye yassine, raffle, ey s7i7 enti touriste ama ta3ref 3al ble, ye weldi 7akem ma3neha gata3
Tawa lila w nhar fi paris, 5ayatha nahj nahj, chere3 chere3, 3bed 3andha el 7oreya, dima tebki w techki w me y7bouch ythawiw win tji madresset el 7oreya
Zeyed, hani sma3t fama cha3b 7or akther menhom
Chalagueti w malagueti, w no9ssed rabi el hollanda..

To be continued…

madrasst el 7oreya, 7al9a I

Aya 9olna salem

aya sidi ben sidi, el bere7 met3adi mel avenue, rekbetli, 9olt ti chneya la7keya mte3 wethni hethi, ma3adech fiha, fadit (hakeka wa7di wa7di, kont nemchi fi kol amn w amen) 5ali nemchi el ahl thekr w n9olhom saybouni, a3tiwni chwaya hwe, a3tiwni netkalem, netnafess, a3tiwni je critique, je manifeste, nghafess, me to5ne9nich, me tsansarnich, me tghafasnich. (rit ki yebda me famech chrab, w me famech koura, w we7ed yo5rej ya3mel doura b3id 3le touness 7 , chneya el afkar el bhima eli tjih?)

aya da9it el beb(me tes2lounich win) w tlabt n9abel, el mas2oul!

Ye5i me ra3ani ile, enou ahl thekr est9blouni b kol 7afewa, jebouli 7ata express ka7la w jeni 3arfhom el kbir , el mas2oul w 9ali ba3d me 3raf 3leh jitou :
chouf 3ayech weldi, ena ki bouk, na3ref masla7tek w ija 5ali nwarik
mekch baba, 3andi bou, y5arnen chwaya, ama manich most7a9 bou
ti haya me tebdech tsayeb fi 9elet el 7ye mte3ek, mani 9otlek ena bouk w na3ref masl7tek
baba dans le sens ****** fi om blédi yomken , euuuu3333 chneya hethi, ble soker el express merde
ble soker ? hay mochkletkom, 9talkom dlel, l9it me tekel walit t7eb me telbess, l9it 9ahwa walit t7eb 3le soker!! chouf, sehla yesser, ena omniti na3tik 7orytek el motl9a, el mochkla mouch feya ena, rahi el mochkla fik enti..
kifeh hethi trah ? kifeh el mochkla feya ena ? belehi fasarheli hethi
nfassrlek, ken na3tik 7orytek, tawa t5amjha, tbalbazha w td5elha b3atha, w tjini lel birou hetha tla7la7, brass omek na7i 3lina hal 7oreya rahi 5emjet w 5let, el 7oreya yelzmek tet3alamha 9bal, mahich sehla
ti ham ness o5rin 3andhom el 7oreya, w me 5emjetch, ham bel3akss t9admou w t7assnou ki na9dou rwe7hom w b3athom
rit ki 9otlek me t3rfch.. bara 3ayech weldi t3alem el 7oreya w ba3d tawa na7kiw
manich weldek, w sana3oud

aya sidi 5rajt men 3andou w ena mbahem, meni fehem chay

aya 9olt bel 7ram, waleti wel 3ozza, w sidi 3abd el 9ader, w google el 3athim ile me net3alem din omha hal 7oreya, bech tji as3ab men tabdil el couche mte3 youssef?

Haya 7alit el google, w 7atit école de liberté, w 9olt tawa na3mel dourouss 5oussouseya, etid bel 3arbi
El google me 5arajli chay
Aya 9olt nekteb liberté barka

W bdet hak les pages tal3a habta, ti hay ness el kol 3andha hal liberte el ma7nouna, ti hay bel kodss , ti haw 7ata sayed eli kont ba7theh w 9ali me n3tikch liberte lin tet3alamha, tla3 3al internet 7at eli houwa yfare9 fiha blech, w elle est disponible en stock weli ysader fiha jemla weli el 3alem el kol cheye5 w 3amel kif 3le sel3a mte3ou, yatl3chi schyzophrene le5ra, ena 7assitou meli 9ali ena bouk, eli houwa habet men kteb tari5 wela y7areb fi el 3ajla tubeless mte3 zaman
Zedet lawajt, nal9a el google el 3athim, a3tani des liens, nzelet, ye5i jetni taswiret hak sayed eli 9abltou,- w li tafedi tekrar wel itala-, ija n3aytoulou baba 3zizi (ey lezma 3zizi, vu 3omrou) 9ali na7i, i5a, koka, w 5arjli message 9ali “rit yassine ki mazelt me t3lmtech el 7oreya, ech mechi ta3mel fi hal les sites hethom, mekch tchouf fi el erheb wel pedophilie” ?

Abab, kifeh 3rafni yassine, yatla3chi y3ess 3le ness el kol, le ta25outhou sinaton wela nawm? Kifeh fe9 beya ? w le me ritech le erheb le pedophilie, d ailleurs me rit chay, ye5i 5alitni nod5el enti bech nchouf ?

N empeche erheb wela pedophilie 3le site mte3 ONG mo3tarfa biha nation unis, s3iba chwaya.
aya el google me 3tani chay, 9olt bara natla3 l bled ness, nchoufhom za3ma 3andhom hal 7oreya wela le, w ken 3andhom n9ayed fi ecole mte3 7oreya 5ali net3almha..

to be continued ..